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What's your biggest dream?Views: 1707
Oct 12, 2006 2:24 pmWhat's your biggest dream?#

Eric Landry
Everyone has a dream. Actually, most have many dreams. But some have dreams that go beyond most people's imagination. Some can dream really big. The sad part is that they don't share this big dream and often the dream fades away never to be realized.

Did you know that every time you share your dream with someone, you re-enforce it and increase your chances of turning this dream into a reality. It becomes clearer and you get motivated to take steps to get you closer to this dream.

So I want to help you get a little closer to your dream by asking you to share it with us.

My dream is to have a success coaching business that caters to entrepreneurs. I change the lives of 100's of people through my multiple success programs. My biggest success is my Expedition business where I take clients off road in my Jeep and bring them on an ultimate outdoors coaching retreat.

See I feel better about it already. I'm taling steps towards my dream.

So what's your dream?

Eric P. Landry

Private Reply to Eric Landry

Oct 12, 2006 6:12 pmre: What's your biggest dream?#

Reg Charie

Hey Eric.
Great "Top Of the World" photo.
Was it shot in NB?
I anchored in the Baie de Chaleurs on my voyage.
Beautiful place.

I have always had a dream.
Many years ago it was to become a "Blue Water Cruiser" and sail to warmer climes. (I lived in Montreal.)

It took me years to realize it, but 20 years later, at the age of 50, I spent almost 5 years cruising in my 54 foot Ketch, "Sea Dove".

Along with this dream ran the necessity of becoming self employed/supporting. This came with the knowledge of boats as I had built two, my current one and a sister ship which was lost in a fire.
I almost think I enjoyed building them more than sailing, and I started helping folks that were docked or anchored nearby. My efforts caught the eye of a local tour boat operator and I took over the maintenance of his fleet of 9 boats, became a registered business in the Bahamas, and built the business.

Work was interspersed with cruising expeditions to the US and out islands a few times a year with trips to the Keys and once to Cuba.

All of this came to a shuddering halt due to health and personal issues.

What do you do when your dream comes to an end?
You better have a plan B.

Since I had not prepared for this eventuality I had to see what my options were.
No more sailing. I could not manage it physically. The same for marine repairs. I had to find something to keep my mind active.
The obvious answer was computers. But where in this market would I position myself?
More investigation showed me the internet, and a new dream was born.

Since 1994 I have studied, read endlessly, worked, played, marketed, and not least, talked to hundreds or thousands of people.
I have built my business based on the concept of helping others by applying my knowledge of website design and marketing.

Like you Eric I have honed my talents and use them to help others in their quests for entrepreneurial success.
Perhaps there is some way we could work together?



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See my Ryze Network, "Telling it Straight".


Private Reply to Reg Charie

Oct 12, 2006 6:14 pmre: What's your biggest dream?#

Dana Neal
My dream is to leave my 9-5 in the next 5 years growing my event planning business in the process. I want to service my clients in a way they have never been. Epressing my Christianity in this goal sums up what everyone wants: fairness, quality customer service, no extreme or hidden fees, and truthfulness from start to finish. Businesses always say Customers are #1, I want to send them away with blessings.........that's my dream.

Private Reply to Dana Neal

Oct 12, 2006 6:37 pmre: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Eric Landry
Hi Reg,

Yes the picture was taken in New Brunswick. It's on top of Big Bald Mountain, which is the second highest peak in NB. It's a trip I usually do a few times a year, including once last winter. Six of us took our Jeeps, and one toyota, to the top on March 25th. There was up to 6 feet of snow in some areas. Great challenge! We camped out on the trail in tents for one night. It was the best camping trip I've ever done. We now plan on making it a yearly event.

We should talk. I got your pm. I'll get in touch with you.

Make it a great day!


Private Reply to Eric Landry

Oct 12, 2006 6:43 pmre: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Eric Landry
Hi Dana,

Thanks for sharing your dream. Have you already started to take steps towards this dream?


Private Reply to Eric Landry

Oct 12, 2006 9:13 pmre: re: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Alok Pal [positive2life[at]yahoo.com ]


Hello Eric Landry,


Your Photo,of car at top gear.


My dream is to create Spritual wealth Creation System.


To give and get  financial and spritual freedom to many people.


I've described my dreams in my ryze page with my present offering of Internet based affiliate marketing products and services.


Which are  of more Use value than money value.


Let GOD bless all including me to achive dreams.


Alok Pal


Private Reply to Alok Pal [positive2life[at]yahoo.com ]

Oct 13, 2006 12:14 amre: What's your biggest dream?#

Judy Clark
Hi Eric:

Loved your pic on your sight. It sounds like you have an absolute blast doing what you do. That in itself is success!

Great topic. I love to hear about other's dreams and how they are going about turning them into reality.

My dream is to turn motivational speaker Michael Bortolotto into a "household" name. Why? Because Michael is an incredible person with life messages that can change the way people think and live. He impacts his audiences lives directly. He has lived and continues to live a life full of challenges (he has cerbral palsy) and instead of internalizing his challenges and becoming a victim, he turns his challenges into opportunities to learn and then passes along his knowledge to others so they wil have the tools to also live the life of a positive rebel.

But, my dream is not just a dream, it is a vision. A vision that I will turn into reality by not straying from my overall plan. What's in it for me? I have the opportunity to not only change Michael's life, but to be a part of impacting the lives of all who meet Michael.

I think big. I like to "leap" rather than take "baby steps". I have a series of goals that help to measure where we are and where we are going. I then sit down and write a plan outlining the steps it will take to reach each goal. If there is a "block" or challenge, I figure out how to get around that challenge in order to get to the next goal. When my vision is broken down into goals, it is easier to stay focused.

Many people have dreams, not many people turn those dreams into reality. But, when a person is driven and has a vision, they are unstoppable. I am unstoppable. There are no limitations to the mind expect for those we accept.

Private Reply to Judy Clark

Oct 13, 2006 2:01 amre: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Eric Landry
Hi Judy!

That's a very nice dream. I checked out the site and the video and it's inspiring. With an attitude like yours and Mike's you're already winners.

Having a blast is an understatement. The day I realized I was going to be a coach was an extraordinary day. It was the day I saw my first testimonial that a client posted on a success forum without me knowing. I was floored. I realized at that very moment the power of coaching and motivating people to keep taking the next step towards their goals. It was a turning point. I didn't think it could be better than that. Then I realized I could join both my passion for coaching and my passion for the outdoors into one very unique package. That was a huge light bulb moment. I can actually get paid well for doing something that I love and do a great job at it because I love it and it's natural. Plus it's always a win-win. What more could a guy want besides a great wife, two wonderful children, and a dream Jeep. ;)

I do take big leaps as well. It's very exciting and it's made me grow over the last couple off years more than the 10 years prior. With only a few 5 minute speeches in Toastmasters as practice runs, I did a 2 hour motivational speech for a group of ~150 teachers. That was the biggest leap I'd ever done. And I got paid for it too.

Coming from an introvert electrical enginner, that's a pretty big accomplishment.


Private Reply to Eric Landry

Oct 13, 2006 6:28 pmre: re: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Dana Neal
Hey Eric, yes I have taken steps towards my dream, but sometimes I'm my worst critic. I will get totally discouraged about all that I try to do. With support and the grace of God...I'll make it.

Private Reply to Dana Neal

Oct 13, 2006 6:44 pmre: re: re: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Eric Landry

You mention that with support, you'll make it. What do you have in place as a support system?


Private Reply to Eric Landry

Oct 22, 2006 5:52 pmre: What's your biggest dream?#

John Dilbeck

Outstanding question, Eric!

I talk about this on my A Year From Now - Act On Your Dream! site.

For years, I didn't have a dream, just a routine.

Now, I have a dream that - when achieved - will outlive me for generations.

I am starting work on building a castle, with the help of many thousands of friends who will be attracted to this project.

Until the intellectual rights related to the project are secured, I can't go into details.

This will be the first castle in the history of the planet to be built by average people working cooperatively.

Why a castle?

What else stirs the imagination more than dreams of castles, knights, royalty, dragons, and all the rest?

Instead of being dedicated to war, it will be dedicated to freedom and cooperation.

I plan to have an auditorium that seats 1,000 and look forward to booking motivational speakers, educators, great thinkers, and others who want to help spread freedom and achievement.

Maybe you will lead one of those seminars.

I walk in this castle every day in my imagination. I'm building it in my vision and look forward to sharing it with the world.

I still have to put together the management team, directors, and all the thousands of details related to building something of this size and complexity.

I look forward to sharing the vision with everyone who is interested, when the time is right.

Act on your dream!


John L. Dilbeck, Dilbeck Marketing, Murphy, NC 28906 USA
http://AYearFromNow.com - Act On Your Dream!

Private Reply to John Dilbeck

Oct 22, 2006 8:39 pmre: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Eric Landry

One word...WOW!

And I can tell from just that one little message that your dream will come true.

Maybe your castle is where I've been giving my motivational seminars in my dreams. I know it's in a very special place and your place sounds special no doubt!

Where is this castle going to be built?

Wonderful dream!


Private Reply to Eric Landry

Oct 22, 2006 9:58 pmre: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Chris Janssen
That is a great dream! I just watched a movie that I hadn't heard of and fits right into your castle theme...It's called "The Mighty" with Sharon Stone in it. If you want a feel good movie, it gets a thumbs up from our family. In a nutshell, a few kids use the story of King Arthur as inpiration to rise above the backgrounds and physical imparements to rise to greatness. Thanks so much for sharing this detailed and vivid dream with us here.

Take care,

Private Reply to Chris Janssen

Oct 22, 2006 11:55 pmre: What's your biggest dream?#

Dorian Blagg
My biggest dream is to lift corporate communications, (at conventions, seminars, meetings and exhibitions), up from the powerpoint, screen and pipe and drape status; up to the dizzying peaks of the professionally crafted, expertly deliverd and memorable art form it should be.

Important messages, and their delivery, deserve consideration and respect.

I am to achieve my dreams via my audio visual communications conslultancy, (and the application of my 28 years experience).


Private Reply to Dorian Blagg

Oct 23, 2006 4:18 pmre: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Judy Clark
Wow John. I visited your sight and just can't believe what you have accomplished in your life.

You are to be applauded for putting everything on hold to look after your mother.

After reading about you on your sight, I am positive you are the type of person who will build a castle if he says he is going to build a castle. Good luck with your dream, although I am sure luck will not have anything to do with it.

Do you have a sight chosen for this castle?



Private Reply to Judy Clark

Oct 23, 2006 9:04 pmre: re: re: re: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Dana Neal
I am an avid church member. My spirituality is my support system. It's hard for others to see me dream as a reality because their spirituality is so low. I've learned...just in the past year that you can be your own worst enemy, by how you think, speak, and live. My dreams, if I may say, have to be in line with God's plan for me; that plan will work for everyone around me and help all to grow and prosper. :)

Private Reply to Dana Neal

Jan 30, 2007 12:11 amre: What's your biggest dream?#

Dorez Douglas
Glad you asked this question, Eric! And I agree with you, about how important it is to share that dream with others - to speak it into existence (in a sense). (smile)
My dream is to eventually have a store for our fashion business (Jahqoi). That's the company owned by my daughter and myself. We currently sell online, but a lot of people tell us that we would do very well if we had our own store.

And for my own career (as a film producer)... my dream is to produce a major movie with my business partner. We've produced a low-budget one, but we'd love to move to the next level.

Thanks, again, for asking.

- Dorez

Private Reply to Dorez Douglas

Jan 30, 2007 1:35 amre: re: What's your biggest dream?#

nancy macdonald
What was my biggest dream that did not take alot of hard thinking. I always wanted to be a nurse when I was in high school. Graduation came and I was working in a dept store and I was there preparing to make my school of nursing that fall.
Something happend to change my mind, smiles and chuckles, a offer of marriage.
In those days a woman stayed home to raise her family so with four children in several years. I was home raising three girls and what a time it was.
Those years now are very special times for me to remember, the house was always a hive of activity.

It was then my dream to have my degree by the time my 40th
birthday,I was so proud to have my nursing cap.

Nancy Macdonald

Private Reply to nancy macdonald

Jan 30, 2007 3:18 amre: re: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Reg Charie
For years my dream was to retire at 50 and go long distance cruising on a sailboat.

It took me over 20 years to do it, and I spent 5 years cruising.

If I learned anything about dreams, it is to have a back up dream in place to build on when you achieve your main dream.

Anything can be done. YOU just have to want it enough.


Private Reply to Reg Charie

Jan 30, 2007 12:14 pmre: re: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Eric Landry
Hi Chris,

How about your dream? Tell us what you've been dreaming about.


Eric P Landry
"Think BIG" Success Coach

Private Reply to Eric Landry

Jan 30, 2007 12:16 pmre: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Eric Landry
Hi Dorian,

Do you have a plan in place to help you realize your dream? What is your next step?


Eric P Landry
"Think BIG" Success Coach

Private Reply to Eric Landry

Jan 30, 2007 12:30 pmre: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Eric Landry
Hi Dorez,

Nice dream. I especially like the one with your daughter. I am very much involved in one of my daughter's dream. She loves to work with dogs. We can't have one at home since my wife is allergic. So Julie and I decided to start going to the SPCA to help out every week-end. Last week, we started a dog training course. We are both having a great time together and we both love dogs. I am currently looking to find a pre-built web site for dogs that Julie could have for herself and update the site with her visits at the shelter with a few pics and talk about the dogs she's worked with. By the way Julie is only 9 yrs old.

What steps are you currently taking to help you move forward towards the realization of your dream?

Eric P Landry
"Think BIG" Success Coach

Private Reply to Eric Landry

Jan 30, 2007 12:34 pmre: re: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Eric Landry
Hi Nancy!

Now that you have achieved one of your dreams, what is the next one that you are working on?


Eric P Landry
"Think BIG" Success Coach

Private Reply to Eric Landry

Jan 31, 2007 2:04 amre: re: re: re: What's your biggest dream?#

soybean boys
When I was a child,I was always dreamed of a singer or dancer.But because of the economic, I have never have a teacher.I can just say that I have best feeling about music and dancing.

Now I have a foreign trade company.And I have a dream that I want to bring my firm to the top of electronic comments about sports.It's name called OPENTIP.I want to use it's the advantage of price and quality to fight with the other company. [URL="http://www.opentip.com"]http://www.opentip.com[/URL]

Private Reply to soybean boys

Feb 02, 2007 11:58 pmre: re: re: re: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Eduardo R. Montesinos
My dream?

Travel all over the world staying a week or two in a selection of fifty most representative cities of culture, religion and tech in the world...without spending all my money in the pocket...and expecting to come back, start a coffee bar front of the beach and fix my own pizzas for my customers.

Private Reply to Eduardo R. Montesinos

Apr 10, 2007 10:48 amre: What's your biggest dream?#

shweta shetty
Hey Eric,

You are absolutely right when you say that everybody has a dream. Most of the times people don’t even recognize their dreams and dismiss them a mere wishes. But I believe that wishes in their collective form make up for the stuff dreams are made of..

My Dream was to learn everything that I always wanted to learn (that included learning piano, pottery, photography… the list is long…. ) So it all started with the dream to learn playing the Piano ( which is not such a common thing in India as it is in the West) .. So I went and inquired in a few places where piano lessons were offered…. They told me I needed to buy a ‘five octave Keyboard’ in order to be able to practice at home…. My mother was not keen on spending money to buy a keyboard…. So I took up a summer job in order to fund my own keyboard… So I realized that working gives me a sense of independence and the opportunity to fund and fulfill my dreams…. Soon my dreams matured from materialistic wants to something more meaningful and sustainable…. Today I dream to build a company where dedicate people can come and work toward fulfilling their own dreams through their work…And I am very happy to shar ewith you that I have begun my journey as an entrepreneur. My company’s name is MarkDat services, we offer web based market research for defined market segments or targets..

The joy of creating something of your own and then seeing others benefiting from the same is absolutely overwhelming.. So my dream now is to keep on Dreaming because only then do I work towards achieving them…

So everybody just Dream On…..

Private Reply to shweta shetty

Apr 13, 2007 2:33 pmre: What's your biggest dream?#

Samuel Faith
I am planning to go and settle down in Australia in 2008 or 2009; but only after marriage with my most beloved girl.

I know life is hard and migrating to a foreign country would be challenging. But I do have confidence and believe in myself and my girl that we would be able to overcome every such challenges. This may sound quite over-confident. But love is always full with challenges and trials. Isn't?

I am planning to expand my web technology company to be a global player; an international company providing business web design solutions and application server hosting services.

But it is still a start-up company and I suppose there will be quite a long way to achieve our vision. My partners and I have crafted five years business plan for development of the company.

I also have a big vision for another company I am operating, Enchanting Travels & Tours. It is to establish worldwide sales offices and gain highest market share in adventure travels and sightseeing tours in Myanmar. We already have a UK sales office and now looking forward to expand into Australia market.

What about your dreams, dear Ryzers? Let's share them!

Private Reply to Samuel Faith

Apr 14, 2007 1:36 amre: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901


Here is a perhaps small but somewhat urgent dream. It is not more than two months from possibly coming to pass or eluding me this year. It involves a town festival called "Middletown Days." It happens June 16th and 17th. Last year, with the help of Ryzers, I was able to convince the Fox News Channel to come for a visit - despite a "I could care less" attitude from the local community. This year, I have the benefit of a Ryze network called Project-Middletown to help me. But, I seem to be generating a lot less enthusiasm this year as compared to last year.

This year I wanted to get Ernesto Sirolli of the famous Sirolli Institute to come as he lives just two hours away in Sacramento, CA. However, I just found out today he will be in Australia that weekend. I would also like to get LinkedIn, Apple, MVox, Fast Company Magazine and numerous other notables to attend. Right now, I have interest from the folks at Aquaclip. But, one amazing vendor is not enough. I need more to counter the vagabond vendors that always seem to be selling custom jewelry and tie-dye t-shirts.

I want this festival to showcase "Small Town USA" in a big way, but it is going to take more than just one person howling in the wilderness.

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Lamar Morgan
Attract more customers!

Private Reply to Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

Apr 14, 2007 2:50 amre: re: What's your biggest dream?#

Lindy Asimus
I'm sure you'll do fine with emigrating. I'm currently reading a book that talks of this relative to the history of the US and this should be encouraging...

"Numerous studies of migrant populations, from all over the world... Optimism, self-interest, curiosity (often described as restlessness or novelty seeking), and a vigorous ambition are the best predictors of emigres adjustment to their new environment."

Come the time, let me know if I can help in any way.


Private Reply to Lindy Asimus

Apr 16, 2007 5:07 amre: What's your biggest dream?#

Jules Win
Dreams are hard to follow sometimes. Even harder when you are in a position where financial become your first priority.

I am now into travelling business and working harder than ever. I keep saying I luv travelling and I enjoy my work. But in reality, I have asked so many questions in my mind. Is this my dream?

I spent nearly 4 years working as Human Resource Manager before I am into travel industry. Started from no nothing about Managment, I gained a lot of success. Not only I am good at it but also I am in love with the work. Is this my dream?

Right now I m standing in a path very different from the job I love. I am sure no doubt that my travelling business will work out well in no time but here again the question "Is this my dream"


Private Reply to Jules Win

May 07, 2007 2:25 pmre: What's your biggest dream?#

Barbara Cook
My biggest dream is to have a positive effect on people so they too can be a positive person. I also would like to be self employed and a public speaker.


Private Reply to Barbara Cook

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