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Minding Your Own Business [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
I Need Fresh IdeasViews: 286
Aug 20, 2008 1:03 pm re: I Need Fresh Ideas
Earl Sigmund Hey - Entrepreneurs: It's time to CHANGE or ELSE!
We all notice a lot of new businesses opening up all around us these days. Unfortunately, some of these businesses will never mature and grow up into large successful growing companies. There are many obvious reasons for this, but these are some of the less obvious:

1) You hang with the wrong crowd- If those business associates closest to you are struggling, your company is more likely to struggle too. It's kind of a "guilt by association" thing. Seek relationships with growing entrepreneurs who can act as mentors to you by their example. If they really care about you, they will give you pointers to get you on the road to success.

2) You want to control everything- You have the attitude that this business was your idea and nobody other than you knows how to take your dream and make a successful mature business out of it. Coach or mentor, no way? Board of directors- Are you kidding?

3) You are not organized- You don't call people or follow up when you are supposed to. You let people down because you have too much on your plate. You depend on your brain to remember everything instead of using a tool such as a

Daytimer or Outlook.

4) You don't listen well- You miss buying signals from customers. You chase unqualified customers. You need professional help or a business consultant but are too busy to seek the help.

5) You try to do it all- You juggle everything in your business and can't or don't know how to delegate. You don't trust anyone else to do anything important in your business.

6) You sacrifice your family responsibilities in order to make your dream come true - You have no life but your business life. There is never enough time for anything else.


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